This enchanting bouquet is a blend of romance and rustic charm. Showcasing a captivating mix of deep red Naomi roses, soft pink and white spray roses, and delicate dried foliage, this hand-tied creation exudes timeless beauty. The contrasting textures and colors create a unique and unforgettable look, perfect for a garden-inspired or boho-chic wedding.
Hand Tie – HT0047
This enchanting bouquet is a blend of romance and rustic charm. Showcasing a captivating mix of deep red Naomi roses, soft pink and white spray roses, and delicate dried foliage, this hand-tied creation exudes timeless beauty. The contrasting textures and colors create a unique and unforgettable look, perfect for a garden-inspired or boho-chic wedding.
Key Features:
- Hand-tied for effortless elegance
- Showcases the timeless beauty of white Calla Lilies
- Perfect for modern and minimalist weddings
Weight | 99999999 g |
Country of Manufacture | |
Shop | Bouquet |
Colour | Pink, Red, White |
Flowers Used | eucalyptus, Rose, Spray Rose |
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